The EA 4050 “Research in Psychopathology, New Symptoms and Social Connections” is present at the University of Rennes 2 (main establishment), Poitiers, Brest and UCO d’Angers.
It welcomes as full members of the professors-researchers in psychopathology of psychoanalytic orientation, but also as associate members of professionals from institutions with which work is carried out in the medical, medico-social, educational and judicial fields directed by the subject’s clinic. The research -including a large part in international cooperation (South America, Europe, Russia, North Africa, Asia) - defends a singular approach to the case in a psychoanalytic orientation, mainly Lacanian.

Cross-cutting lines of research:

C-RCP: Component Research in Psychoanalytic Clinic, Psychic Processes, and Aesthetics, Angers Catholic University, UCO. Learn More

Permanent Members: Levy A., Martin Mattera P., Mouches A., Peretti P., Saiet M.

C-RPC: Clinical Psychopathology Research Component, University of Brest. Learn More

Permanent Members: Elfakir A., Karcher B., Kessaci Y., Zapata Reinert L.

C-CAPS: Clinical Component of the Act and Psycho-Sexuality, University of Poitiers. Learn More

Permanent Members: Albaracin D, Dauman N, Ducousseau Lacaze A., Grihom M. J., Haza M., Golder C., Puph Gicquel L.

C-LS: Subjective Logics Component and New Forms of the Symptom, University of Rennes. Read more

C-CPS: Component Specific fields and practices, University of Rennes. Learn more

Permanent Members: Abelhauser A., Belle L., Bernard D., Borgnis E., Cherel M., Costantini, P. P., Druel G., Gaspard J. L., Grollier M., Hamon R., Ottavi L., Sauvagnat F., Trichet Y.