This research unit, English-speaking : Communities, Writings, includes two axes: EPIC (Environment, Politics, Identities, Culture) and TELL (Theory, Critical Studies, Linguistics, Literature).

This research unit includes the following components:

EPIC (Environment, Politics, Identities, Cultures) studies political and historical phenomena relating to the various English-speaking countries. Other, more recent approaches are closely concerned with gender relations, with the place of popular culture in the aesthetics of television series.

TELL (Theory, Critical Studies, Linguistics, Literature) brings together researchers whose work focuses more specifically on a theoretical questioning of the contemporary. It is in this direction that a work on animal ethics develops. Similarly, within the THEORIAS network, part of the research focuses on issues related to spirituality and religion. Linguistic work is linked to action research, but also to the analysis of television series. Finally, a theme of this axis is dematerialisation and is more particularly interested in the theories of post-human.